My favorite part is trying to get her underwear down and figure out how to still hold on to the dollies. She loves her baby dolls! Notice one of them is "potty training " also!
While my sister, Anna, was here, we were doing a delivery for instruments and ended up eating lunch somewhere in Maryland. We were late and lost and the kids were hungry. We were tired and hungry from so many sleepless nights.
While we were there, there were these two women watching the girls. They commented on how cute they were. We exchanged pleasantries and got on the subject of what we were doing. I explained our home-based business. I made the comment that the business was not my "dream job" but it paid the bills and my husband was good at what he did. I added, "This is my dream job." and pointed to my little Savannah.
We finished our lunch and said our good-byes. Life went on, but I kept thinking about my comment. I actually said it in passing, not really thinking about it. But ever since I uttered the words, my mind has been racing.
Being a mother really is my dream job. I always wanted to be a mom. I loved being an older sister. I loved learning domestic skills (even if I did fight you on them, mom!) and when I dreamed about my future, it always involved being a mom.
Lately, I have been doing a lot of self-reflection. My life is wonderful, but I need focus. I need to concentrate and really be a full-time mom to my kids. I need to keep saying "no" to things that take me away from time with my children. I've gotten much better about it and I have actually said "no" about 5 times this month alone!!!!
I only have a few more years with Xander and then he is gone....and then Garrett will leave....and so I am making an effort to be present in my children's lives. I may not go down in history as the greatest mother to ever live, but my children will know I love them and I will be able to look back on my life and have no regrets!