Tuesday, April 9, 2013

One of the saddest days of my life.....

Jason and I got back from a business trip to Cincinnati late in the afternoon.  Brother Waters was insistent that he come see us that evening. He knew we were leaving for Hilton Head early the next morning.  So he came over at 11:45pm.  It was what I was dreading.  Six years of being the primary chorister, the best calling in the church.  The calling I NEVER wanted to be released from.  And it was time.
From the time I got the phone call and for days afterwards, I was in tears.  I have built that program.  I have taught the children how to sing, how to lead music, dynamics, hymns, rounds, harmony and various other things.  But, I have also taught them how to feel the spirit.  Something I never want them to forget.  Something I want them to be able to recognize forever.  Something that is so important to me that I bear my testimony to them every week about it.  I will miss that the most.  Music is fun, but helping the children recognize that their Heavenly Father loves them and he talks to them and they can talk to Him was my job for six years.
I am now in the Relief Society Presidency.  The Enrichment Counselor.  I will have to redefine myself. I will have to try hard not to lurk in the halls of primary.  I will cry when I sit in Relief Society for the first time and hear the children sing.  My heart is aching.  I am torn.  I am trying to have faith.  I am trying to embrace my new calling and be excited.
But, I will always secretly wish to have the primary chorister calling back.  I won't lie.


Anie said...

I couldn't agree with you more- SO SAD!!! When I was called as primary president I secretly wanted to release the chorister and call myself! Those kids were lucky to have you and I'm sure they're forever remember music with Sister Day. And now you're gonna be able to do such wonderful things for the women of your ward! You're amazing Jenna! A woman of many, many talents!! Good luck with your new calling! Love you!

Andrea said...

That would be a fun calling. I secretly want primary pianist. Maybe one day we can be a duo.
You'll do great at your new calling!

Tisha said...

everything anie said, well not everything, I am not cut out to be chorister, but when I recently was released from the YW presidency and put in as primary president I felt the same way, still do, I love the youth and my heart will always be there, but I know I have so much to learn and grow from in Primary- you will be great in RS, you have so much to share and teach the women! (PS- why don't you just move to Apex and I'll call you to be our Primary Chorister!! :-)

The Hannant Family said...

It's always so hard to be released from a calling you love. However You will be spectacular at Enrichment Counselor. The RS must really need your help. I held that calling an it has truly helped me since then. Good luck!

Dalliene said...

Primary chorister was fun. I did it for so many years (even shared duties for a few years with my bro Erin!) Then I got into YW's and it was an amazing experience too. You'll love whatever you do and you'll be great at it. (And you'll grow, of course!)