Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The American Girl Doll Hospital

I don't know if you remember the story of Flower.  She was actually from Santa when Eleanor was four. She is a Bitty Baby from the American Girl Store.  That year Savannah was one.  She got an age appropriate toy from Santa.  But, when Eleanor opened up her doll and squealed and promptly named her Flower, Savannah immediately claimed her also.  Nothing we could do would persuade her from Flower.  She claimed her.  She loved her.
So, for Savannah's 2nd birthday, we negotiated a new doll with Eleanor and wrapped Flower up in a box.  When Savannah opened her up, she squealed, "Flower!" and has never looked back!
Needless to say, Flower has been well-loved.  And her arm wore out. It was in a place that could not be fixed by mom.  So, one day, we headed to the American Girl Doll store to take her to the doll hospital.
I was nervous about how this was all going to take place and the cost involved.  I was ready to walk out and super glue her together if it was too expensive.
Then we had the dilemma of getting her there.  Flower had a special outfit, she had her diaper bag and her carrier.  She was fed and changed before we went.  It was so sweet.  I love that Savannah loves her so much!

 We were introduced to the doctor at the store and he was awesome!!!  He got down on Savannah's level and asked her questions and showed her what was going to happen.  He filled out the form and helped her into her special gown.  Savannah was so cute!  And I knew Flower was going to be ok.  Not to mention, the price wasn't bad!

A few weeks later, we got a box in the mail and there was Flower.  All better.  All fixed.  All ready to be played with again.  There was a note and a certificate and instructions on helping her with her recovery.  Marketing geniuses, I tell you!  Thank you, American Girl Store!  It was a very positive experience!

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