Sunday, August 16, 2009


July 5, 2009 is the day our little Garrett got baptized... He was ready to make that commitment to his Heavenly Father. A few weeks earlier, a member of the primary presidency came up to me and mentioned how much Garrett had grown up in just a few short weeks. His knowledge of the gospel and his maturity level were apparent to her. I told her that I had noticed the same thing in him. He was ready to be baptized. He knew he was doing the right thing and he had a testimony of the gospel. Can he be the same little bundle I held in my arms just eight years ago? Because of scheduling conflicts and relatives in town, we were able to baptize him while Great Grandma Dorothy Brown and the Johnsons were here. It was also the anniversary of my entering the MTC - uhm....19 years earlier! I had also been baptized on July 2nd, so this was a time of reflection for me on how much I have accomplished and how blessed I am.

Jason and Garrett right before his baptism

Four generations! Jason, great grandma Dorothy Brown, Garrett and Grandma Charlotte Day
Garrett and his cousin Ashley Garber
Garrett Day and Garrett Janiak have been friends for many years. They are about 6 months apart and have a very special bond. We love "Janiak", as we call him, and consider him a part of our family! We were very fortunate to have him join us!
We also had the blessing of having MeeMaw join Janiak at the baptism. It was so nice of them to make a special effort to come for Garrett's special day!Garrett Ross, MeeMaw and Janiak

Cousin Katie was baptized just 3 months earlier!
The cousins on the Day side...Catherine Garber, Lauren Garber, Eleanor Day, Savannah Day, Xander Day, Ashley Garber and Garrett Day
The Johnson side cousins...Lizzie Johnson, Eleanor Day, Katie Johnson, Xander Day, Savannah Day, Johnnie Johnson, Garrett Day
The Day family right before Garrett's baptism. There was something truly special about that day. The talks were so good, the children singing "Baptism" and Garrett and Xander playing "I am a child of God" on their instruments really helped bring the spirit to the meeting. I think Garrett was who brought the spirit the most. His countenance was so bright and radiant. He was so close to the spirit that day and to receive it also made his countenance even more radiant. He is a special child of our Heavenly Father and I know the heavens were pleased with Garrett's baptism today!
The Day Family - we are blessed to be able to have family close enough to come and support us and especially to have a family portrait with our great grandma Brown!
I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain..I want to be the best I can...and live with God again....Congratulations Garrett! We love you so much!


Cothran Family said...

This is so sweet Jenna! I can't believe Garrett is baptized! (I know I'm a little slow at checking on here!) He looks sooo grown up. Alana is the next child in our primary to be baptized in March and we will have a baby blessing the next day! They have grown up too fast. What a handsome kid!

Chuckleheads said...

congratulations Garrett! What a special day to celebrate with so much family!