Friday, December 25, 2009

Twas the night before Christmas....

Ok, so it was two nights before Christmas when we did our Christmas Nativity Pagaent... We were invited to a Christmas Eve party and decided to go this year. Here we are getting ready for the pagaent....Savannah with sunglasses? Mary doing a pre-pagaent photo shoot....
Reading stories in our cute matching pj's from Auntie Jessica.....
The cast....
Oldest to youngest.....
Mary and Joseph....
This year the donkey got a reprieve and was carried....
At the stable...
The shepherd would not cooperate and took off her costume....
This is the wise man.....
Bringing gifts to Mary and the baby Jesus....
It was a great pagaent. I know the children will remember this for years to come...I remember how great the Johnson pagaents were. Even though it is somewhat comical, I know the children are learning the true meaning of Christmas through acting out this story.
The next day was Christmas Eve day and we made cinnamon rolls...three batches to be exact...about 100 cinnamon rolls later, we delivered to the neighbors and home teaching families and saved some for Christmas morning. Eleanor loved helping!
Cinnamon rolls are such a tradition in our family. I will always remember my mom making cinnamon rolls for us to eat on Christmas morning...
That evening we went to our dear friends house, the Nixons. They have invited us to their traditional Christmas Eve party for years and this year we decided we would go. Their house was amazing, the dinner was fabulous and I told "Twas the night before Christmas" to the children until these two special people showed up....
Each child was given a present from Santa and Mrs. Clause and sat on his lap....
The children were so excited....
Well, except for Savannah!
Eleanor received a beautiful necklace with her inital on it. She was so excited as we drove home and just knew it was the real Santa...we all agreed that it was!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Afterward, we came home and opened our Christmas eve jammies. It is a tradition on both families to get Christmas eve PJ's and wear them so Santa will come.....
She's getting the hang of it!
Yawn! Then it was off to bed to await Christmas morning....except Dad heard running water in the house. We FINALLY figured out that it was the back hose...because water was spewing out of the hose area! Luckily, we were able to turn the water off to the outside and can deal with it after the was then that we all settled down for a long winter's nap!


The Hansen Family said...

Hahaha! I love it! So cute Jenna and it looks like the party was a blast! Tell your kids that the Santa at your party looks like the real one to me too!

Merry Christmas!

Cothran Family said...

Looks like good memories to remember forever and lot's of fun. Love you guys!