Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Family Matters....

Jason was just telling me about his trip to California to see his cousin, Kyle, get married. In the process, he broke down and told me about what his family said to him about me.

The places they chose to say them and the way they attacked him were very disappointing.

And, it was everyone.

Every member of his family chose to say something unkind about me at some point in the trip.

I have tried to not include unkind things about any family member on this blog, but I am really saddened to hear they still hate me.
16 years of trying to figure out why they won't accept me or even try and like me.

I feel bad for Jason, because he needs to tell someone.
I'm glad he told me.
At least I know where I still stand.


Andrea said...

I don't understand how anyone could not like you! Seriously- you are so easy to like. So kind.
I just found out I have an inlaw that hates me too. Still trying to decide if I ignore it or disown them.
Is it possible to disown family?

Chuckleheads said...

Well, as saintly as you are...this sister got the devil genes. I'll tell you why they are so awful to you...because they stink. Yup - they stink of jealousy and self-doubt and inadequacies...and as they stand in awe of what you and Jason have accomplished together (without their help!)...and I mean aside from your four incredibly beautiful and talented children...they whisper and snarl to each other in a need to bring you down to their level of ability which you bypassed when you were about 7. Humph. I have no patience for what I can only call their idiocy. You are bend over backwards for everyone and personally - their opinion - even though it hurts - is worth about as much as a dollar these days...and let me tell in europe and checking out the exchange rate - that dollar ain't worth a whole lot. You are loved. Don't let them get to you.

The Hansen Family said...

This may not be your style, but I say you just call them all out at a family meeting and hash it out. At least then they will know that you know what their opinions are, and vice versa. I mean what, do they want Jason to divorce you or something? Their opinions are not stemming from the spirit, I can tell you that! I don't know why everyone has to get so darn feisty when it comes to amazing and wonderful and talented people....their opinions of you are like the tabloids are to a celebrity; CRAP. You may not be able to change their opinions, but perhaps it will clear the air. And if you're gonna do it, DO IT RIGHT! I plan on doing this at our FR this summer - just so Ray will know how bad his feet really DO STINK. (J/K)

WE sure do think the world of you Jenna!!!! Don't let the fam get you are LOVED LOVED LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cothran Family said...

Ditto! Ditto! Ditto! I love you and I think you are "practically perfect in EVERY way!" You are the Iconic older sis. I have always looked up to you and thought of you as someone amazing. I think their comments are not worth fretting about. It is now thier problem if they choose to be so unkind. You will get blessings in heaven for loving them regardless but that does not mean you have to be around them. Love you Jenna

Andrea said...

I can't stop thinking about this, so here's my opinion. Although I have no idea of the situation, so maybe I'm way off.
But.... I think dh needs to say that you are his wife. You are a family and come as a package deal. And if they say anything mean about you anymore, then he will not be around them, you will not be around them, and the kids will not be around them. If they want to see him or the kids then they need to be kind to you. It's gone on long enough and needs to stop. NOW. the end.

The Days of your Life said...

Thanks everyone for your support, phone calls and love and concern. It is one of the reasons I don't post Jason's family on my blog. It makes everyone crazy, starting with me.
I am much calmer, more rational and able to deal with the emotions better after a few days, mostly from hearing from you. Because you are the ones that I know are my true family and friends......and that's what is important. You will be there through thick and thin and love me always. That means more to me than anything.
We are constantly trying to figure out the best way to deal with his family and set appropriate boundaries. Sometimes we win and sometimes we fail. But that's what life is all about, right? It's a journey. It's just more fun when you are traveling with people you like and who like you!
Love you allll!!!!!

Becca said...

They are just jealous and always have been... sorry they can't seem to ever grow up. Know this part of the family still loves you... ditto to all that has been said before.. You are the awesome-est big sister in the whole world!
Love you!!!

martyrudd said...

Let me tell you where you stand, Jenna....AT THE TOP OF THE RUDD FAMILY LIST. And that's a lot of important people who love and adore you!!!!....just ask us:) xoxoxoAunt Marty