Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Living happily ever after.....

When we first got married, I had these great plans for our "golden anniversary" of fourteen years on the fourteenth. It would be romantic, possibly a get-a-way to some exotic place or a quaint bed and breakfast (my favorite) and we would be hopelessly and madly in love and the birds would sing and the stars would shine bright and, well, you get the picture.......

So those plans didn't happen..... When we got married we had no plans on Jason becoming a school teacher. Not a clue we would have a string rental business whose busiest season is in September and October. We never imagined we wouldn't be able to spend even the weekend of our anniversary snuggling together and relaxing over a romantic dinner.

Hmmmmm.......reality bites sometimes!

I spent the evening an hour away renting instruments at a school. Jason finished up teaching for four hours after teaching school all day, sent the babysitter home, got the kids to bed and rented more instruments. I tried to run by our "favorite cheap place to eat" on the way home and got there right as they closed the doors. Not even my plea of "It's my anniversary" was good enough for them. I guess they deserved to go home to their families too!

So, our romantic dinner consisted of leftover pizza and french toast.


It wasn't all bad. In fact, I was ok with the day being busy like that. Because fourteen years ago I started living "happily ever after."

And "happily ever after" means it's forever. He and I have been through a lot in our courtship and marriage. We have learned the hard way and the easy way. We have laughed and fought and cried and made up and recommitted ourselves to each other many times. That's what "happily ever after" is.

We love each other and we know it. We have the same goals. We know what we want in life and we know we can do it together. We aren't perfect at it, but we are trying. We trust each other, we respect each other and we try and show our love for each other with the little things.

I came home and enjoyed the company of my cousins, Anie and Spencer. I was able to come home to a clean kitchen, thanks to them! They are so fun and we are excited they are back in the area to live!

The cuisine wasn't my top choice, but it was food, and for that, I am grateful. We are so blessed to have food. "Happily ever after" means we can even make leftover pizza and french toast romantic!

I got roses earlier during the day. They made me cry. It's the little things he does that really show me he loves me. He knows I love flowers and he knows they make me cry. He knows. He knows what to do so we can live "happily ever after!"

This man.....
This man makes my life complete.

Happy Anniversary, Jason!

I love you!

Fourteen years and one day and counting.......


Anie said...

Thanks for letting us share your anniversary with you!!! You guys really are perfect for each other and amazing to watch together! Spencer and I admire you both so much! Thanks for putting up with our craziness for a few days. It's fun being back in the area and feels so good to be home! I'll call you in a day or two before I come over to get the rest of our stuff (thanks a million for storing it for us:)!! Love ya tons!

Becca said...

Happy Anniversary! sounds like real life to me! I hope you can plan some sort of getaway sometime this year... You've got to celebrate when you can. Love and miss you.

The Hansen Family said...

Congratulations on a BEAUTIFUL life together! If anyone can make leftover pizza and french toast romantic, it's you two. You guys are totally "MFEO".

(MFEO=Made For Each Other)

Happy anniversary!

Chuckleheads said...

Pizza and french toast...Rowr... I hear they are both aphrodisiacs... did I even spell taht right?

word verification - inglo.

Jenna and Jason were inglo after the anniversary rollover. :)

I love you both. Happy anniversary.