Friday, February 4, 2011

Follow your dreams....and make them heard!!!!

My sister, Anna, has started a new blog. She is amazing! She is a writer and a good one. I always have my husband send his business stuff to her, after I have checked it out, to proofread and give a real opinion. Because she is that good!
She writes stories and poems and all sorts of good stuff. She can make me cry when I read her blog and laugh and want to be a better person. She is just plain talented when it comes to that stuff!
Anyway, she started a blog about father's rights. It's going to burn up the internet, I tell you! And that's exactly what it needs to do! People need to share their stories and be heard. People need to know it is not always the dad who is the "bad guy" in a situation.
As a former social worker, I saw many dads just trying to do the best they could and have the courts almost laugh at them when they wanted rights. And also saw dads who really were dead beats. I saw children beg to see their dads and I fought for some of those dads and lost. So, I know some of the pain also, which is why I love that she has started this blog. I can help and I can comment and I can be a part of this new informational movement!
She has wanted to get involved and try and "change the world" with this subject for a long time. She has experience in it, as a child of divorce and as a step-mom. She is very fair from the beginning, as you will read, about what the blog is about.
So, I want her to know, that I am proud of her for following her dreams.....and making them heard at the same time!!!!! Go Anna!
Her blog is - so go check it out and make your voice be heard!


Chuckleheads said...

Thanks for the support, sissy. I have a dream! :)

Andrea said...

ahh. I love Anna. She was always so nice!
I'll check it out.

Chuckleheads said...

Jenna - you posted the wrong link! The link to my blog is -

Thank you!

The Days of your Life said...

I fixed it and they can click on it on the post. Sorry! The other one was pretty good too! Did I do it right on FB?

Cothran Family said...

I think she is a very cool sister too and I too love to read her writing, very talented!