Friday, July 8, 2011


It was a long, hard year.
After school got out, we retreated for awhile to lick our wounds and just heal from the trauma of everything.

I was exhausted.

The kids were exhausted.

I know poor Jason was exhausted.

As I came out of my stupor from everything, I decided we needed a fresh start.
I started a list a mile long with things I want to do for the house and our family. We have been in this house six years. It needs some upgrades and TLC. Some things are going to require more money than we have right now. Some things are going to be a quick fix! Be sure and check out my creative blog, and (my primary blog) to see what keeps me busy! I am in the mood to create and get things done!
So! I am recommitting to blogging. It is good for me to journal everything. I know how much I enjoy everyone's blogs, so I am going to get back on track!
The Lord has blessed us immensely....more than I can describe in words. I am grateful for the gospel and my family, my husband and my children. I am grateful for this country. I am grateful for my talents. I am blessed!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Glad you are back. I love seeing what you are up to. Sure miss you my friend!