Friday, November 4, 2011

Little Savannah Marie

Even though she is not as much as a diva as her sister, Savannah is coming into her own style. The other day she requested to put curlers in her hair and then wear a headband. She turned out super cute and now curlers are a regular part of our grooming!
She is a great little girl and plays by herself really well. She loves Little People and baby dolls.
She is doing great in preschool and her teachers love her.
I can't believe she is growing up so fast!
Sometimes I cannot believe I am a mother of four with the youngest being three. It seems like those days of nursing and diapers and the endless nights of no sleep would never end. And yet, I still cherish every time someone says, "mom", even if it comes from a deep voice with a child a foot taller than me and not yet a teenager. Or when the littlest voice says it with that three year old lisp. And even the two in between - their little voices melt my heart. I am grateful today for being a mom. I am grateful for the happiness and joy it brings. I am grateful for the learning and growing I have done as a person as a result of these children. I am so grateful for each of them and what they teach me. I am a mom and I am truly blessed!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Such a cutie!! I always knew you'd make a great mom. You're awesome.