Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A sweet moment

I've talked several times about the group of boys at church that are Xander's age.  This Sunday, we had to say good-bye to one of the families.  They are moving to Switzerland.
 Their children are about the same age as ours and we have loved getting to know them.  Great family and we will really miss them.
As we were waving tearful good-byes after church, Xander and a few of the other deacons were talking amongst themselves.  All of a sudden, they sprinted across the grass and through the parking lot and stood at the road entrance to the church.  They got there just in time for the van.  They waved and hooted and yelled and did a great job of sending their amazing friend, Jackson, off in style.
I just stood there and took in the moment.  They friendship I envisioned back in January when I started getting everyone together, has evolved and grown and my heart was so full.  They walked back, huge smiles on their faces, alive and full of the spirit and happy.  I will remember that moment forever.
True friendship is hard to find and I am grateful for the son I have and the way he shows his love for his friends.  That moment is what I had always envisioned when I felt impressed to make an effort to get the boys together and do activities once a month.  A sweet moment indeed.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

That's so awesome. I would love that for my kids.