Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Amazing Son, Garrett

Remember all those posts about Garrett and his struggles in school and how they "kicked" him out because he was so learning disabled? Remember my anguished cries about how unfair it was that they targeted him and told him he was a failure?  Remember how I posted about finding peace and having hope that things would work out for the better?
It hasn't been easy and it definitely is not perfect, but he came home from school the other day and said, "I am AWESOME!"  I had to agree with him and then asked why he was so stoked.  He was moved up into the regular writing class this week.  They think he is good enough not to need a special writing class.  We "high-fived" each other and I told him how proud I was of him and I knew that he was awesome!
I am not a great mom of a learning disabled child.  I am not patient and get frustrated very easily.  But small victories like this one today makes me happy that I have stuck with it.
Garrett's piano teacher was talking to me today about how emotionally and socially mature Garrett is.  That he is delight to be around and that she just loves the spirit he has about him.  I am so blessed to have this amazing and loving boy in my life!  I am truly blessed to be his mom!

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