Sunday, March 3, 2013

An Interesting Way to Come Back to Center

I spent last week in Rhode Island.  I'd never been to Rhode Island and the part I saw was, I am sure, not exactly what the tourism committee had in mind for wooing me back.  I was there for the American Strings Teacher Conference.  Now, I know you all know I am not a strings teacher, my husband is.  I was there, because he had, ironically enough, an orchestra assessment.
I was there because there were quite a few teachers from our area that were going to be there and that is who we do business with with Day Violins.  So, I was the token marketing/networking person.
When I left, I was frazzled.  I had just finished a month of Roadshow (that post is coming!) and was behind on the housework and life in general.  I didn't even get the dishes done before I left.  If you know me, that is that state of "behindness" I was in.  It stressed me out to leave the house the way it was, it stressed me out that I wasn't as organized as I should be right now.  I was not in a good frame of mind.
It is always interesting how Heavenly Father puts things back into perspective for me.  As I was on the plane going out, I told myself that it was ok the dishes weren't done, the laundry wasn't finished, etc.  The kids would survive.  My dad and Jason and the friends I'd lined up to help out were going to take care of it.....
I said a prayer that I would be successful and that my family would be fine.  I needed to come bad to center and coming on this trip was not helping.  I said a silent prayer to Heavenly Father to help me find these teachers and be successful with the networking I was supposed to do.  Some of the teachers I had never even met and didn't know their names.  I was supposed to just run into them!
When I got there, I found out that the company, Maple Leaf Strings, I was working with wouldn't be there until the next afternoon.  I asked the girl at the front desk if there was a part of town that had fun little boutiques or a part that had some history.  She told me to go to the mall......hmmmmmm.  Sad.  I tried to look at a map, but everything was a little too far away and it was raining pretty hard.  So, I ended up at the mall.  Spent an hour just wandering around.  Something I never have time for.  I bought myself a few really cute things (on clearance, because I WON'T pay mall prices!) and just meandered.  It was actually quite relaxing.  Totally by myself, "me time" in a city where no one knows me, and I know no one, and I couldn't start "working" because no one was there yet!
The next morning, I slept in.  Until 7:45, but it was sleeping in!  I went and worked out and then, on a whim, decided to get a manicure and a massage form the hotel spa.  It was a guilty pleasure, but I had a lot of time to kill and the weather was too yucky for tourism.
It was the best decision!  That evening and morning of just being by myself, and having nothing to do, was just what I needed. It gave me time to think and just regroup.  It was long overdue.  In my weight loss quest, I had trained myself to take time for myself and I had gotten out of that habit.  Getting a massage reminded me that I need to get back to me.  Taking care of me so that I can take care of everything that demands my time!
I arrived at the booth on time and refreshed, ready to go...and knocked it out of the park!  Heavenly Father answered my prayers by getting me lost in the expo center and finding a handful of teachers, then as I was walking around with a the strings director, I saw a name tag that had a familiar city on it.  I stopped them and they were the teachers we were supposed to find!  By seven that evening, I had brought in all but two of the teachers to see the instruments and meet the Bartels, owner of Maple Leaf Strings.
The guys were so impressed, and as we walked to dinner, I shared with them my story.  I told them that I had prayed to find these people, and my prayers had been answered. I gave credit to God for our success.  Paul Bartel, the dad, is very religious.  The son, Jason, is not so religious.  When Jason walked away to take a call from his wife, Paul thanked me for my story.  He told me that he had run a men's group for the church just a few weeks earlier and invited Jason to come along.   At the end of the weekend, Jason told his dad that God was missing from his life and he wants to make changes to make that happen.  So my "random" story was perfect timing to helping Jason hear how God helps all people.  I smiled inside, because it was also a testimony to me that God loves us and answers prayers.
The next day was just as successful and we ended the day with almost all the Fairfax County teachers and Prince William County teachers coming to dinner with us.  They had a great time and it was great to be able to network and get to know them better.
Paul insisted on paying for everyone.  He is an amazing man!  He has taken Jason under his wing and really taught him and helped him become the person he is now.  He always takes the time to talk and enjoy what he is doing.  I took notes on his mannerisms during the conference.  He loves what he does.  He is passionate about his work and he loves people.  And it shows!
Another thing that brought me back to center was the death of Mr. Stephen DuBravac.  I have known this family for years.  He died somewhat unexpectedly on Thursday morning.  Then I heard from Mom that Dan Harper, our dear neighbor, passed away also.  He was a man who touched our family's life in so many ways.  He will be sorely missed.
These two men, great men, who are now gone, made me realize the important things.  Not the dirty dishes I was stressed out about or the house not being clean.  It was the moment of being in Rhode Island. It was meeting the Fairfax County teachers and Prince William County teachers and seeing their passion about the children they teach.  It was me, being me.  I am really good at networking.  I am successful with things like this.  I needed to be reminded of those things.
Above all, I needed to be brought back to center and be reminded that Heavenly Father knows...and cares...and answers prayers.


Andrea said...

Love this. So true. We are known and prayers are answered. It's so cool when you actually get to see it in action.
You rock!

Tisha said...

what a great story jenna! glad it all worked out- Dan harper passed away!! What a great guy- I'm so, so, sorry to hear that. Love you all!

Becca said...

Jenna - You are amazing! Love you!

Chuckleheads said...

I'm awarding you the liebster award! Check it out Days of our lives...