Thursday, November 5, 2009

It all started with the PE locker.....Xander is in middle school this year. (Fifth grade at Flint Hill is middle school) He came home near tears and went straight to his room. I finally got the story out of him....they were told that they had to open their lockers that day or they would not be allowed to dress down for Friday. He was the only one who could not open his locker. This meant that he would have to stand there and try and open his locker during PE instead of going to PE and everyone else would go to PE. (He isn't that great at PE anyway and we have been trying to encourage him rather than discourage him about sports!)
I panicked...he is already a sensitive and innocent child who could be an easy target for teasing. So, I pulled the "faculty father" card and told Jason to talk to the PE teacher the next morning and move heaven and earth to not let him be the "only kid who couldn't open his locker".
Part of me debated that I should let him tough it out and that this was only the beginning of hard things in his life...the other part of me refused to let this put a damper on his already least favorite subject in school.
Well, long story short....he was given the wrong combination for the locker!!!! He would have stood there all year trying to get his locker open and never succeeded! There were a series of other events that has had me a little worried about him these last eight weeks. I have been stressed out and worrying about him and sending extra prayers up to heaven to know what the best thing to do.
My prayers are always answered. Not necessarily in the way I think they should be or how I would expect, but the Lord loves me and shows it when I need it the most.
Today was his parent/teacher conference. I was reminded how blessed we are to have people who love to teach and love to teach my children. Xander has had a rough go at the beginning of this year, but thanks to his teacher and others, he is going to make it. He is going to muddle through all the changes of emotions and hormones and socialization and everything else that middle school brings and be ok. I just needed to be reminded of that and it happened today.
He is blessed with a teacher who is perfect for him, who loves to listen to him rattle on about music and is in awe at his ability to fast once a month and take on being a good big brother and talk about things most kids aren't even concerned about. She loves to talk to him and have conversations with him. She is amazed by him.
She believes in him. She is wonderful and I am so grateful for her.
Eleven years ago next Tuesday, I met him for the first time. I was amazed by him also. Can it be that my little Xander bug is turning eleven? My first born son. My first attempt at motherhood. Thank goodness for the village that is helping me raise him! I am truly blessed! I sent thank you's up to heaven all day long for this inspiration and answer to my worries as Xander's mom. Gosh, I love that kid!

1 comment:

Nikkie said...

Kelsie and Lexie are still talking about Xander and Garrett and wondering when they will see them again. We think about you guys every day when Kelsie is practicing her vioin and Lexie is practicing her flute.