Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Sunday to be Grateful.....

I am grateful for a warm house that keeps us safe from these subzero temperatures we are having in the east coast...

For cute babies with big brown eyes who like to snuggle.... For little girls who love to have their hair done and wear all matching clothes and still like to snuggle.....
For two sons who are loving and responsible and good big brothers.....
And for a husband who for the last two weeks has been home and helped and loved and just been wonderful.....Tomorrow they all go back to school and I have mixed feelings....
I have loved having them here and the relaxed atmosphere we have had. Lots of playtime, downtime, and just togetherness. I am also ready to get back to a routine and get things organized, scoured and start on some much needed least we have a Monday holiday in a few weeks!


Anie said...

LOVE the pics Jenna! Eleanor cracks me up! And the new top header pic of Savannah is awesome! Wow- seeing that snow just makes me cold. Spencer and I are NOT excited about coming back to the freezing temps. The weather here in California has been absolutely heavenly! Everyone here at the Rudd house says hello!

Chuckleheads said...

And they are so thankful for a mama who loves to snuggle and takes good care of them and loves them so much...