Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Big Fluffy White Stuff

Doing another entry on snow seems redundant, but this storm is amazing!!!
Last night when we went to bed, it was doing this.....(I know, I know, what a surprise!)

The walkway that Garrett had shoveled was almost covered again in snow....
And the cars weren't black anymore....they were white!
So, we snuggled up under the covers and went to sleep with this in our minds.....
And woke up to a blizzard...this is at 7am this morning....
They closed roads throughout the area. Fairfax County closed schools for two more days and told people to STAY HOME AND DON'T DRIVE! Even the snowplows had to be pulled off the roads because visibility was so bad.
Salt Lake emailed all the Stake Presidents to let them know they cancelled the broadcast we were supposed to have for Stake Conference this weekend. The entire region was to have the same broadcast and now we are told to just have church, if possible.
The wind was so bad that the windows are all covered in snow and the drifts are up to our window sills...
The kids have done amazingly well. We have plenty of things to keep us occupied and they have done several projects and colored quite a few things. Then, this morning, I found do-it-yourself calendars that were supposed to be for Christmas, so they drew and colored some more! Savannah was hysterical -she was coloring just like the big kids!
Not to mention, she was also very proud of herself!

Around 4:30pm it decided to stop snowing hard and just be miserably cold and windy. The amount of snow is hard to measure because of the snow about A LOT, is that a fair measurement?!?!?
Jason's mom called us to congratulate us. I guess Oak Hill has the most snow in the Virginia area. I believe it!!!!

We also resorted to chasing games and Savannah thought they were the best...especially when dad would hide and jump out and scare them!

We also decided that Eleanor looks like Sarah Palin when she wears dad's glasses...hmmmm, we really have too much time on our hands!
Savannah was leading the music right before scripture the looks of Xander, we weren't quite being reverent! She was the cutest little lamb, singing and knew just what to do!
So, there you have it. Another snow day down and who knows how many more to go!
Ironically enough, they are predicting another snow storm for Sunday and Monday. I guess little Puxatawney Phil was right this year! And now, it is snowing again...not much, but still snowing...


Andrea said...

wow- that's so crazy amounts of snow.
We have lots of snow, but nothing ever closes. I wish we had snow days.
Enjoy your vacations! Looks like you are having fun.

The Hansen Family said...

I just woke up to snow this TEXAS! Looks like some of your snow decided to come dump on us! RAD! Glad you guys are making the most of your snow! ENJOY!

Cothran Family said...

Wow, now I can see how much you have. Good perspective pictures. I love the sarah palin picture...funny! And Xander being a it! That's how scripture time is at our house too but little Savannah looks adorable and innocent as can be :)

martyrudd said...

Love all these posts on the snow in your area!! I have had fun logging on to Anie's blog and reading about her activities. Your kids are just so darn cute I want to ~~SQUEEZE~~ them!! I will be at Anie's in May for Spencer's graduation and I want to see you guys...I need to scratch Garrett's back!! xoxoxAunt Marty

Becca said...

Glad to hear you are surviving the snow out there. We've had our share here also it's been a wild winter! keep warm and don't go stir crazy in the house all day. I love those pictures of the kids having fun. keep the activities coming oh creative one!!!