Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A free vacation!

As we speak, it is coming down. This picture doesn't do it justice....
Since it is early evening, you can't really see the snow...it's coming down even more now...and I love it! I am enjoying the quiet beauty, the stillness that snow brings. We have so many people who are sick of the snow and complaining. I am loving it. It's like going on a free vacation! We probably won't have another winter like this for many years, so it is exciting, novel and I don't have to pack the car. The kids are having the time of their lives. Jason, though he has shoveled enough snow for a lifetime, has sledded and played and relaxed and gotten so much done...just like a vacation! Now, mind you, the beach is my vacation of choice, but this is so much fun!
We had to disassemble the trampoline to get all the snow off. It took three neighbor men to get all the snow off without breaking it.
The last few days have been sunny and beautiful, but cold. Our road was plowed just yesterday and they didn't do a good job. We went to a neighborhood near us and got stuck. It took about ten people to get us out. The kids thought it was crazy - another memory that will stick in their minds forever!
Most of the main roads have been plowed, but they are one lane roads with a lot of snow on them still. My neighbor told me today that her mom was on the beltway going to see her parents and lanes would suddenly disappear because there were big snow banks on the 5 lane highway. She said it was very dangerous and scary!
Even at night, the view is beautiful!
Our lonely little snowman.....
We've been doing our best to keep ourselves entertained....
Savannah is loving the fact that there is a constant playmate....
Here's Xander writing his talk for our church at home on Sunday....
Eleanor loves being a big sister!
Getting ready to go out in the snow....
Let me see what I can find for you in my purse....
Reading in the shopping cart....notice the tiara mom? She wears it constantly!
Pushing the shopping cart around and around and around.....
Reading stories...
Snacking during the movie....
Watching Disney's movie, Earth.
We've done pedicures.....
And dad made Eleanor a special fairy princess pinewood derby car to race against the boys' cars....
So, it's been a fun vacation so far....and now with the snow coming down and the DC area expecting another 20 plus inches, we will be on this vacation for awhile!!!

1 comment:

Cothran Family said...

Sounds like too much fun! I love Savannah in the stroller. Emma and I used to do that to Missy the cat. Everyone looks happy and blissful. I can't believe how long Eleanor's hair is! She looks so grown up!