Saturday, October 29, 2011

My brother, Ray

The other day I was having a bad morning. Really bad. I was crying about everything. It was one of those days where when Jason left for work the look on his face was concern for me, but also relief that he didn't have to figure out what was going to make me burst into tears next!!!
Around 10am EST, I got a phone call from my brother, Ray.
Ray and I have always been close. He has been a pain in my side and also one of my best friends in the world. I love him more than words can express and I hate living so far away from him. For that matter, I hate living so far away from all my siblings.
Anyway, he called. We talked. I cried. We kept talking. And by the time our conversation was over, I was ok with my dilemma. I had worked through a lot of my concerns, anguish and fears.
I love my brother and I am really grateful that he followed the spirit that morning. It meant a lot to me. He is a great man.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I remember Ray always being such a great guy. I'm so glad you have a great brother that calls you!