Friday, May 18, 2012

The Birthday Boys!

When I was scheduled to have Garrett, they gave me a few dates.  One of them was my dad's birthday, so I chose it!  Garrett barely made it on that day, being born at 11:58pm via emergency C-section, but he made it!  So, this year, for the first time, they were able to celebrate their birthdays together! 
 Their birthday was on a Monday, so Saturday we took tie-dye cupcakes to Garrett's soccer game.  And then on Sunday, we celebrated with Strawberry Shortcake, so everyone got what they wanted for cake!
 Garrett was thrilled that he got to celebrate with Grandpa Johnnie!  He liked his presents too....a new bike and helmet and some Legos.  He also got some camping gear for scouting, which he used that same week! Grandpa was a little harder to shop for.  He got an Oregon Ducks shirt and a certificate for a massage.

Happy Birthday to the two birthday boys!  We love you!

1 comment:

The Hannant Family said...

Happy Birthday to Garrett and your papa! Tell him hi for me. He helped me out at a time in my life where I was really struggling. He truly has a spot in my heart, as does your whole family.