Friday, September 11, 2009

We will NEVER forget...

I remember the beautiful sunny day and playing outside with Xander and Garrett and the two children I was babysitting. We were enjoying the sunshine. The boys were having the time of their lives playing in the sand box and riding their trikes. It was Jason's first day at The Flint Hill School as their newest music teacher. It was a job we took a chance on and I was sad to see him leave that morning.

He called me around 10am and told me to get the children inside and told me what happened. I remember looking at the beautiful sky and thinking, "You're not making any sense! It is such a nice day!" Then my thoughts turned to my sister, Anna, who worked in DC and Jason's dad who was working at Fort Myer, near the Pentagon...were they ok? What was really happening? I said a silent prayer, still not realizing the impact of Jason's words.

I remember telling Xander when he asked me why I was crying that there were a lot of people that had to go live with Heavenly Father that day. He saw the planes when they hit the building and said, "Why are they flying into the building?"

The candlelight vigil was our 5th wedding anniversary. I lit candles all over the house and we talked about life and perspective and how grateful we are for the plan of Salvation. I cried again that night, as I realized I had my husband and so many didn't.

Four years later, when we were in New York, Jason and I went to Ground Zero. As we approached the site, I remember being overwhelmed with the reality of it. It was hard to breathe and I once again cried.

Today I looked at the flag and my beautiful children and smiled when my husband came home. I will never forget the way I felt that day. I am grateful for another day with my family in this wonderful nation. We can never forget...God Bless America!

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