Saturday, February 6, 2010


The east coast has been getting quite a bit of snow lately....duh! As Garrett's coach put it in an email "Not to be obvious or anything, but basketball is cancelled today"

Last week we had a 2 hour delay on Monday, no school on Wednesday and Thursday everyone decided to get ready for THE BIG STORM! Here are some pictures of the snow on Wednesday...
Xander, Garrett and neighbor, Michael made a snow buffalo - very ingenious!
Dad, Xander and Garrett made snow angels after shoveling the driveway....and we made a snow bear....
So, Friday, we didn't have school since the snow was supposed to start, so Xander made snowmen...
Savannah the cutest little snowgirl...
Eleanor the snowprincess....
Garrett the snowboy...
And Xander the snowboy with his Russian hat on!
The backyard ...
So, the snow came....Jason shoveled the driveway about six times last night and still had to shovel about ten inches this morning.
Jason and Garrett spent most of the morning outside shoveling...
Garrett was such a great helper! We had blizzard like conditions, which made it cold and windy and since it was constantly snowing, it was hard to shovel, only to have it covered in snow a few minutes later!

This afternoon I decided to take the girls out and see what the weather was like....
Bundled up, ready to go out....Check!!!
Don't forget the gloves!
The snow princess...
Some Bunny looks so cute in her snow gear!
Looking at the kids outside....
Let's go!
So, when we were kids, we used to wrap plastic bags to keep the snow out. I guess boots were too expensive for all seven of us kids. So today, I used the ol' Johnson trick to keep the snow out. Really, I should get some snow gear, but if I do, it probably won't snow for another five years! And it worked! Warm feet, dry feet and I even put it up to my knees, since we had so much snow!

So, we went out to check it was beautiful!
This is how deep the snow was around 2pm! Almost up to my hips!
The snow was so deep and awesome, I couldn't help myself! It was so exhilarating!
Then...I couldn't get up! There was so much snow and I had no leverage!
So my neighbor Phil had to come "save" me!
YES! It was so fun and so worth it!
Here's Eleanor standing next to the snow pile in our driveway!
She's learning how to wink - is that the cutest picture!?!?!?
As you can see, the snow is deep!
Daddy with his snow bunny....
We took the girls on a walk to check out the neighborhood...
It was gorgeous!
Our neighbor, Phil, was the only one getting out of the neighborhood - he drove around on the snow to pack it down so we can get out eventually!
The air was crisp and cold and the snow blew around us - it was like being in a dreamland! The girls loved it and I took in every moment and made memories in my mind!

Here are the cars looking from our garage....
And the front of the cars....
Here's our house....notice how blurry it's the blizzard snow while I take the picture....
Here's some of the awesomeness of the east coast blizzard!

And we have handsome Xander bug!
And our cute Garrett bear!
We built a snow mountain and the kids used it as a hill to sled down....

Here's the older gang from the pipestem..see how deep the snow is?!?!?

This snow shovel has seen a lot of action!
Still snowing.....
Remember the snowmen? Here's Xander....the others are playing under the snow...literally!
The windows are frozen from the blowing snow...
These days seem a long time away!!!!

1 comment:

The Hansen Family said...

Ok, so Jason got his workouts in from all the snow shoveling, the kiddos and their snow creations are adorible, and I laughed my butt off reading about how you got stuck in the snow and couldn't get up again...I can just see it happening! I want to come play in the snow with you!!!

What perfect memories!

Love ya'll!