Tuesday, February 7, 2012

So much to catch up on.......

I have so much to catch up on with this blog........but let's just start with our latest adventure......
First, we still have Grandpa Johnnie here. After being overseas for twelve years, it is good to have him around. We are loving every minute of his presence.
Xander needed to attend an art museum to finish up his Art Merit Badge for scouts. So we took the Metrorail downtown Washington DC to go to the Smithsonian.
We haven't ridden the Metro in a long time and the kids were so excited!
Just look at the excitement on that teenagers face!
Savannah was hysterical. She squealed and yelled "rockstar" every time we went through a tunnel and then wanted Xander to read her the newspaper.
Garrett sat quietly and looked out the window most of the ride. Sometimes it's nice to just chill.
Since Garrett has been studying Hinduism and Buddhism, we made sure we went to the rooms dedicated to its art. He really liked this statue!
The museum itself is gorgeous. Marble floors, beautiful chandeliers, not to mention the amazing art work!
And these guys greeted you at either end of the hallways.
We had invited our friends, Garrett Janiak and his Grandma, Doris, better known as Meemaw.
Garrett Janiak, or Janiak, as we call him, was born 6 months after Garrett and they have been best of friends since birth. We try and get together with them whenever possible because the boys have a great time. It will be fun to look back on this picture someday when they are grown and remember how little they were once....
Yeah, that's me in a picture....I know, shocking!
Grandpa Johnnie hasn't been to DC for a long time. We had to remember this moment for him too!
One of our favorite parts of the day was the air vent that was blowing on the walkway. It made their shirts blow up and hair stand on end!
Our favorite museum is the Natural History Museum. We decided that Xander is almost as tall as a giraffe!!!

What a great day!


Anie said...

Oh, DC and riding the Metro!!! Makes me miss it a bit! Loved seeing all those pics! We sure miss you guys!!! Madi still talks about you guys every once in awhile. That's so fun to have your dad there for so long. Tell him I say hello!

Andrea said...

Looks awesome. One day I'll make it there to see all the cool things.